Monday, October 22, 2012

Impact Moment


                All my life I have loved to watch movies. I have seen all types of movies with all types of actors. I even went to the theater twice in one day just to see The Dark Knight Rises again.

                Through watching hundreds of movies, one stands out to me in particular. This movie was originally a book, but then it was scripted into a movie. The Count of Monte Cristo.

                The Count of Monte Cristo is, essentially, about revenge. Now, this wasn’t just some minor transgression, the main character, Edmond Dantes, is blamed for the escape of Napolean Bonaparte. Edmond is betrayed by his very powerful, very jealous, “best friend.” After Edmond escapes the harshest prison in Europe, he plans revenge on the three people responsible for his suffering for the last 15 years.

                Edmond doesn’t just plan to kill them, he plans to ironically punish them. He discovers a vast amount of pirate treasure, and uses that to his advantage. He makes himself the Count of Monte Cristo.

                I view this movie differently than most people. They just see it as a story mainly about revenge, but I think of it as a story about a man so cunning, humble and intelligent that he outsmarts everyone around him. I try to be that man. I try to be the smartest person out there, but not let my emotions get the better of me.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! Make paragraphs longer though.
