Monday, October 22, 2012

The Farm

                When I was younger, about six or seven, I lived in Centerville. I lived close to Reading Elementary. A few of my neighbors had farms by Reading Elementary. They were both really good family friends. They both had horses, because they had grown up with them.
                One night for family night, my neighbor Larry Farris invited us over to ride his horses. I had always wanted to ride horses, but had never gotten the opportunity. At about 4:00 in the afternoon, my family and I headed over to Larry’s barn. We had all been there before, collecting eggs from his chickens. When we got there, he was waiting for us with a few of his horses already saddled. As I climbed onto the horse, he gave me some advice. I had seen movies where cowboys kick their horses’ sides to make them go faster, so I decided to try it. As soon as my heels connected to the horse’s side, he broke into a full sprint. Being only seven, and not expecting it at all, I fell off of my horse and landed in some manure

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